William R. Griffin has over 25 years experience in the Cleaning Industry. If you are starting your own business, have questions about an existing business, or just need some advice, you really should talk to Mr. Griffin. Mr. Griffin has consulted with large and small businesses, schools, hospitals, sports stadiums and many other organizations too numerous to list. From basic questions, to in-depth analysis, Mr. Griffin has done it all. Listed below are some of the ways that Mr. Griffin Makes himself available. If none of the methods below fit your needs, give Cleaning Consultant Services, Inc. a call and I'm sure we can come up with something to fit your needs.
On-Site Consulting
Custodial and housekeeping audits and/or consultation services at your location are available. The length of the visit and its purpose depends on your specific needs, budget and Mr. Griffin's availability.
Such services normally relate to improving the management and operation of a cleaning business or department in all types and sizes of facilities and industries. A detailed reference list and resume are available... MORE
Phone Consultations
The Process is simple. Give us a call at 206-824-4434 and tell the friendly staff person that answers the phone that you would like a phone consultation with Mr. Griffin. We will ask for your name, address, phone number and a credit card.
Once we have taken down your information we will simply transfer you to Mr. Griffin and you will be talking to the expert. The clock does not start until you are actually speaking with Mr. Griffin... MORE
Custodial Audits
Four-hour, eight-hour, three day, and five day custodial housekeeping management audits are available to assist you in improving your current custodial operation or business. During this time, Mr. Griffin will examine your operation, suggest improvements, and prepare a written and oral report outlining where you are, what needs to be or can be done, and how to best accomplish it with the budget you have available...MORE
Certified Inspections
We provide certified commercial and residential inspection services on a local, regional and national basis. We inspect and provide on-site correction services regarding resilient, stone and wood floors, carpets and rugs, upholstery, draperies, blinds and wall coverings. We go where the problems are and deal with your most difficult and important claims. A free descriptive brochure is available upon request. Click here to see Mr. Griffin's References.
Professional Cleaning Seminars are offered in cooperation with Cleaning Consultant Services, Inc. and local distributors, manufacturers and associations. Wm R. Griffin, President of Cleaning Consultant Services, Inc. will instruct the courses. Mr. Griffin may involve other industry professionals as guest speakers. All courses include an instructor provided training manual and where applicable IICRC certification exam fees. For more detailed course outlines, or information on the instructor or his company click here.
Management Support Services
- Special Projects
- Marketing and business plans
- Training programs and materials
- Research Projects
- TQM programs (development and implementation)
- Troubleshooting and Problem Solving
- Operations audits